RMS (Remote Management Server) is ;
•A very intelligent program and suitable for most general purpose used application.
•Provides DVR/MDVR system information like; the system status, camera status, event status and alarm status.
•Provides real time video received and backup from Mobile DVR via LAN or internet.
•Controls and manages the DVR/MDVR by changing its settings from a remote PC.
RMS SDK (Software Development Kit) available.
–Provide DVR ActiveX Component.
–RemoteMonitor.ocx (Realtime Monitor).
–RemoteViewer.ocx (Multi-function Realtime Monitor).
–RemotePlayer.ocx (Remote Retrieves).
–LocalPlayer.ocx (Recorded Files Playback).
RMS SDK Architecture
RMS SDK with Others AP Diagram
How to combine a special project via RMS SDK, DVR Earth program for example:
1. Study Google Earth COM API from http://earth.google.com/comapi/index.html .
2. Use LocalPlayer.ocx to query information from and send commands to Google Earth.
3. Program develop and bug fix
4. What's DVR Earth?? Simply is Mobile DVR (Video and GPS Data)+ Google Earth.
1. Study Google Earth COM API from http://earth.google.com/comapi/index.html .
2. Use LocalPlayer.ocx to query information from and send commands to Google Earth.
3. Program develop and bug fix
4. What's DVR Earth?? Simply is Mobile DVR (Video and GPS Data)+ Google Earth.
+ Google Earth
Others Application that can easy integration:
1. Microsoft Virtual Earth, Virtual Earth Interactive SDK http://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/
2. Google MAP API, http://code.google.com/apis/maps/index.html
3. ESRI : ArcView, Arc/Info, ArcIMS ,.shp file format GIS Application http://www.esri.com/
4. Mapinfo: MapBasic, Mapinfo Professional, .mif file format GIS Application http://www.mapinfo.com/
Mobile Intelligent Technology Contact : vpc@livemail.tw
3. ESRI : ArcView, Arc/Info, ArcIMS ,.shp file format GIS Application http://www.esri.com/
4. Mapinfo: MapBasic, Mapinfo Professional, .mif file format GIS Application http://www.mapinfo.com/
Mobile Intelligent Technology Contact : vpc@livemail.tw