May 6, 2008

Mobile DVR SDK for special project

Mobile Intelligent Technology is launching its new RMS SDK for Mobile DVR!! with SDK, you can easily integration Mobile DVR with GIS/Google Earth/Google MAP/Virtual Earth, and build up your unique customized project based GUI Appliaction.

RMS (Remote Management Server) is ;
•A very intelligent program and suitable for most general purpose used application.
•Provides DVR/MDVR system information like; the system status, camera status, event status and alarm status.
•Provides real time video received and backup from Mobile DVR via LAN or internet.
•Controls and manages the DVR/MDVR by changing its settings from a remote PC.

RMS SDK (Software Development Kit) available.
–Provide DVR ActiveX Component.
–RemoteMonitor.ocx (Realtime Monitor).
–RemoteViewer.ocx (Multi-function Realtime Monitor).
–RemotePlayer.ocx (Remote Retrieves).
–LocalPlayer.ocx (Recorded Files Playback).

RMS SDK Architecture

RMS SDK with Others AP Diagram

How to combine a special project via RMS SDK, DVR Earth program for example:

1. Study Google Earth COM API from .
2. Use LocalPlayer.ocx to query information from and send commands to Google Earth.
3. Program develop and bug fix
4. What's DVR Earth?? Simply is Mobile DVR (Video and GPS Data)+ Google Earth.

Traditional DVR Remote Control Center
+ Google Earth

Then become DVR Earth as below~~

Others Application that can easy integration:

1. Microsoft Virtual Earth, Virtual Earth Interactive SDK
2. Google MAP API,
3. ESRI : ArcView, Arc/Info, ArcIMS ,.shp file format GIS Application
4. Mapinfo: MapBasic, Mapinfo Professional, .mif file format GIS Application

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