Sep 10, 2007

DVR Earth in United Kingdom

DVR Earth fly to United Kingdom (U.K.), we got a mobile dvr video file with GPS from UK partner, and load file from DVR Earth it shows unnormal GPS info, after check with that, found it's my problem!
After fixed software bug and also concerned the new Goolge Earth version V4.2, I am very thanks for UK partner to give me this info~~

Portable / Remote Real-Time Video Surveillance

Mobile DVR System with Suitcase: Portable Digital Surveillance Equipment !

It is a very easy way to demo a fully function character of mobile dvr ! with this suitcase demo kit, you can very easy to presentation for Total Solution of GIS platform.

Mobile DVR System with Suitcase Equips
1. CCD professional camera
2. E-Guardian-1000 Mobile DVR
3. CDMA/HSDPA communication device
4. GPS device
5. LCD monitor

Transmission for Real-Time video and GPS data to previous build-up center of monitor server (GIS-Application), it may trace and control the Real-Time video and GPS position to GIS Server.

Aug 30, 2007

The Syueshan tunnel Mobile DVR real-time video image via 3G Modem

One of our client has been implemented as part of Syueshan tunnel enabling servers to be reached real-time for images of transmission. This is achieved through 3G modem, and successed get realtime video with the challenge of the first longest tunnel of 12.9km in Taiwan via RMS, RMS can display reatime image and become Backup Server.

Project Inguiry:
Hardware in Vehicle:
1xE-Guardian-1000, 1x3G Modem with sim card, 1xGPS,2x Cameras

Server software:
RMS,Remote Management Server,must installed with a Fixed IP PC
Reatime Video from RMS: Due to 3G Modem's signal quality, there's some Mosaic from the video, and also prove the instant transmission of the image .
DVR Earth: Also you can playback pmf file from DVR Earth .

The Syueshan tunnel opens after 15-year construction

Aug 23, 2007

DVR Earth-A free global fleet application software-Mobile DVR with Google Earth!

DVR Earth provide a Low-Cost of small Fleet Management System, except GPS tracking route, and live vehicel camera's video! It is new application software with Google Earth. We treat Google Earth like a Global GIS Monitor Center. With DVR Earth, you can playback video file (which including Mobile DVR recording video+GPS data) with Google Earth at the same time. You can monitoring where the vehicle is and what happened to it.It is a good tool for worldwide viewers. Because Google Earth provide global satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. Mobit Technology, the leading mobile surveillance platform designer and provider in Taiwan. and plans free offer DVR Earth to anyone who needs. .DVR Earth must work under Google Earth, and Google Earth will become a Global GIS Monitor Center! DVR Earth support all series Mobile DVR video format.

Due to Google Earth, the road layer displays road map information for the viewing area, including major highways, county roads, and streets. This option is available in the Layers folder. In the Layers folder, you can expand the Roads folder and control the display for U.S., Canadian, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, India ,Taiwan,Singapore.

2007/05 this latest release is provided in 7 new languages ;Arabic,Czech,Dutch,Korean,Polish,Portuguese,Russian.and many international roads.

Google Earth's Home!

DVR Earth in Yahoo:

DVR Earth Professional :

Features :

1. Real-Time vehicle GPS coordinates
2. Real-Time vehicle video image
3. Real-Time monitoring the Multi-Vehicles
4. Support Google Earth and Google Map
5. Maximum monitoring 150 vehicles (Optional) at the same time
6. Live Playback (Free switch by node/camera channel)

Contact Information:

Strength of us:
‧Is a solid design house in Taiwan.
‧Is a leading designer and provider for Mobile Surveillance platforms.
‧Is well-experienced in Mobile DVR products.
‧Fundamentally R&D.
‧Provide Module and DVR Package(IPTV&DVR&Mobile DVR).
‧Is a full solution provider.